Detail Design and Site Management of the 3.5 MWp Pla Roig PV Power Plant, the link facilities for grid connection.

STAGE: Detail Design and Site Management.
YEAR: 2022 and 2023
LOCATION: L’Alcora, Spain
TYPOLOGY: Photovoltaic Power Plant
DESCRIPTION: 3.5 MWp Photovoltaic Power Plant
DESCRIPTION: brick arch vaults with a maximum span of 10m and Steel girders and tubular staggered columns

The scope of the project includes the development of the Detail Design of the solar photovoltaic plant and its link facilities for connection to the I-DE distribution network for the direct sale of electrical energy, the Site Management of all the facilities and advice to the end client for start-up.

The installation has 5 clearly differentiated parts: the solar photovoltaic plant, the delivery center, a particular overhead-underground medium voltage line, an independent sectioning center and a double underground medium voltage line.

The solar photovoltaic plant is composed of 6.468 photovoltaic panels of 540 W and a central inverter of 3,350 kVA.

The delivery center is the border point of the installation, where the distribution company’s measurement equipment is located.

To link the private installation with the distribution company’s installation, there is an underground line of three sections with a total of 400m and an overhead line of 1km.

The Independent Sectioning Center is the connection point with the I-DE distribution network and is of the 3 CCLL + 1 SSAA type.

Finally, a double underground medium voltage line has been installed that links the CSI and the support of the I-DE overhead line where the connection point was provided.

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